星期四, 9月 15, 2005

mysql install errors

From indradg@icbic.com  Mon Jan 17 22:14:57 2005
From: indradg@icbic.com (indradg@icbic.com)
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:14:57 -0500
Subject: [Koha] Pb install koha 2.2
In-Reply-To: <200501171936.j0hjah5z002923@outmx018.isp.belgacom.be>
References: <200501171936.j0hjah5z002923@outmx018.isp.belgacom.be>
Message-ID: <1105996497.41ec2ad16c784@webmail.icbic.com>


Quoting "Vanbegin.Stephane" :

> Creating the MySQL database for Koha...
> ERROR 1062 at line 1: Duplicate entry 'localhost-kohaadmin' for key 1
> Few month's ago ,I have install a old version of Koha without big problem .

Thats the reason for your error! You already have a DB and DB user defined in
MySQL. Drop the old Koha db and delete the kohaadmin user you had created
earlier before you run the installer again.

hope that helps,

