星期二, 5月 30, 2006

New Feature: Amazon.com Content

Hi all,

I've just committed a fully-preferences-based Amazon.com module to
rel_2_2. There are three new system preferences:


To use this new feature, you'll need an Associates login:


and a developer's key:


Once you have recieved both IDs from Amazon, and put them into the
appropriate system preferences, you can set AmazonContent to 'yes'.
At this point, you should have the following content from Amazon.com
displaying in your OPAC (NPL template only):

* Cover images
* "Read it now"
* "Search inside"
* Descriptions
* Reviews
* Ratings

To see what this will look like, please view this example record from
LibLime's OPAC:


Note that if you don't touch these systemprefs, no Amazon.com code will
be called.

Paul/HDL, if you want to add this to default templates, please take a
peek at commits to NPL template files.
