1.A logical schema diagram for 3.0 has been written by Paul. It’s a 2 page document. Avaible in some forms :openoffice.org [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD_version3.odg 15KB], PDF [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD_version3.pdf 230KB] It will be updated when needed (Paul will take care of the update. If he don’t, bug him)
2.A logical schema diagram for 2.2.0 has been written. It’s a 2 page document. Avaible in some forms :openoffice.org [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD_version2_2_0.sxd 15KB], PDF [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD_version2_2_0.pdf 230KB]
3.A logical schema diagram for 2.0.0 has been written. It’s a 2 page document. Avaible in some forms :openoffice.org [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD2.sxd 15KB], PDF [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD.pdf 230KB] and jpg [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD1.jpg page 1, 160KB] and [http://www.koha-fr.org/presentation/MCD2.jpg page 2 170KB] Some draft ‘logical’ schema diagrams from 1.3.3 are [http://irref.mine.nu/user/dchud/koha-schema/ available here]