time elapsed (wall): 9.9833
time running program: 8.6698 (86.84%)
time profiling (est.): 1.3120 (13.14%)
missing time: 0.0014 (0.01%)
number of calls: 98301
number of exceptions: 2
%Time Sec. #calls sec/call F name
14.37 1.2455 2052 0.000607 C4::Languages::regex_lang_subtags
9.36 0.8116 24 0.033816 XML::LibXML::_parse_sax_file
7.10 0.6153 2616 0.000235 XML::Simple::collapse
6.83 0.5924 10728 0.000055:...l/5.8.8/Devel/Profile.pm:135
3.96 0.3433 1034 0.000332 DBI::st::execute
3.16 0.2742 4992 0.000055 XML::SAX::Base::characters
2.84 0.2462 34884 0.000007 Regexp::DESTROY
2.56 0.2218 1 0.221820:...e/koha/lib/C4/Overdues.pm:23
2.24 0.1944 4992 0.000039 XML::Simple::characters
2.08 0.1804 2616 0.000069 XML::Simple::start_element
1.87 0.1624 2616 0.000062 XML::SAX::Base::start_element
1.73 0.1504 2616 0.000057 XML::SAX::Base::end_element
1.69 0.1462 318 0.000460 C4::Languages::language_get_description
1.43 0.1240 952 0.000130 DBI::st::fetchrow_hashref
1.38 0.1195 1134 0.000105 DBD::mysql::db::prepare
1.37 0.1186 1138 0.000104 DBI::_new_handle
1.33 0.1156 16 0.007225 utf8::SWASHNEW
1.32 0.1144 8013 0.000014 UNIVERSAL::isa
1.23 0.1068 2 0.053408 C4::Languages::_build_languages_arrayref
1.16 0.1006 427 0.000236 C4::Context::dbh
1.10 0.0952 1134 0.000084 DBI::_new_sth
1.08 0.0932 1 0.093204:...l/5.8.8/XML/LibXML/SAX.pm:11