星期五, 6月 22, 2007

[Koha-devel] Announcing Koha Project Day 發佈Koha 計畫 2007/6/16



Liblime 的管理團隊,很高興宣佈一項提議促進社群發展以及koha計畫的成長。
截至本週,每個星期天在 Liblime 是Koha 計畫日(針對紐西蘭員工則是星期一)。

當然,在這一個星期裡,我們 Liblime 會花大部分時間針對我們的客戶:撰寫規格
、作一些研發工作、實作以及支援。Koha 計畫日給我們一個歸還社群的機會 -- 社群

禁止任何緊急支援請求,或是最後一刻提案,我們打算 koha 計畫日,集中精力完全
放在koha 計畫本身 -- 每一個星期。

We'd like to extend the invitation to you, dear community. Join us
any time on any Sunday and pitch in. Or, alternatively, pick a
regular day/time that you find convenient and announce it to the rest
of the community. It's strictly voluntary of course (for our staff
too), so if you're unable to participate, we won't hold a grudge :-).
But if you're able, join us and help out, there's plenty to do.

Speaking of which, what is there to do? Glad you asked. Here's just
a partial list:

* organize and write documentation
* write specifications for new proposed features
* write technical documentation for existing Koha features
* respond to questions/comments on the Koha lists
* test features and report bugs
* fix bugs :-)
* read through the code and make comments
* translate Koha into your native language
* write that new feature you thought of
* talk to the developers and tell them how to improve Koha

Where is all of this happening? Well, you can join us in real time
on the #koha channel on irc.katipo.co.nz. If you've not used IRC
before, and you're running Windows, give mIRC a shot:


Well, that sums it up. Our first Koha Project Day starts tomorrow
morning at 9:00am here in Ohio and runs for 15 hours to 5:00pm
in New Zealand. If you're around, pop in and say hello :-)
